
Developer’s corner: adding two global equal area projections to GeoTools/GeoServer

Recently we had the pleasure to implement two new map projections for GeoTools/Geoserver: the Eckert IV projection, and the Mollweide projection.Both projections happen to be equal area projections.These projections are commonly used in atlases to represent the whole world, as they don't alter the relative proportions of countries and continents.This is actually an important feature missing from the common Google/Bing/Yahoo maps. They are all using a close relative of the Mercator projection, which greatly exaggerates the size of all countries at high latitude (for example, Greenland and Antarctica look a lot bigger than they actually are).Compare that with Eckert IV,...


Un nuovo anno con i Servizi di Supporto Enterprise di GeoSolutions

GeoSolutions è orgogliosa di offrire anche per il 2011 quattro piani di servizi enterprise incentrati sulla piattaforma GeoServer per aiutare i propri clienti a costruire una SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) di classe enterprise, attraverso l'integrazione e l'armonizzazione dei migliori framework geospaziali offerti dal mondo Open Source, la OpenSDI suite.GeoSolutions grazie alla sua vasta esperienza nella costruzione e nel supporto di infrastrutture geospaziali di classe enterprise, fornirà alla vostra azienda uno straordinario livello di supporto durante tutto il ciclo di vita del progetto per ottenere con facilità un deployment ben riuscito!Se la tua organizzazione era restia ad adottare soluzioni Open Source software...


Developers Corner: Improvements to the rendering engine on upcoming GeoServer 2.1/GeoTools 2.7

In this installment we are going to look into the rendering speed improvements featured in the the upcoming GeoServer 2.1/GeoTools 2.7.0 release.We recently talked about a very significant one already: raster reprojection performance has skyrocketed, providing an overall speedup factor of four to six on the overall reprojected WMS request chain (if you want to know about the pure GeoTools reprojection operation speedup, it's more alike a hundred times faster).What you might not know is that the above is coupled by another speedup that we made for the WMS shootout 2010: the "direct rendering path", which makes GeoServer into a...


GeoSolutions YouTube channel

Hi all,at GeoSolutions we decided to create a YouTube channel in order to have common repository for the videos that we make sometimes to demonstrate and/or explain new functionalities for the software we develop.You can reach the channel here.Enjoy!The GeoSolutions team.


Developers Corner: have your SLD transform raster data into vectors on the fly

Hi all,in this post we'd like to share our most recent endeavor in dynamic data rendering within the GeoServer and GeoTools open source projects.The problemSuppose you have a set of scientific raster data sets, maybe they represent some sort of concentration, elevation, or maybe they represent wind, currents, or some other vector phenomena via two bands (one for magnitude, one for direction).Now, you have lots of them and people want to display them in various ways. Raster with color scales are nice, but often you need to render them in other ways, such as contour lines, polygons catching all the...
